Thursday, March 7, 2013

I love Art - I love Kids

I have, what I think , is the best job in the whole wide world:)
I say this tongue in cheek really but in all honesty I do think my work is pretty cool ; pretty unusual and really special. 
I teach children. I teach children all sorts of things and one of the things I get to share with them is about art. I love art almost as much as I love spending time with kids.  
Let me tell you a litte about the children I get to share time with.

I have very, very tiny children that come to Kids@ The Studio on a morning. They get to experience 'art' of a sort through play . These children are emerging our into the world ; with mom at their side, and they are explorers. The little explorers. Whatever I give them to try, taste, investiget, look at , build and catch  or throw. Just about anything really floats their boat. They will give it a bash. I love, love this little group and they are a real blessing to me- each precious, growing one. They are enthusiastic and diserning. Boy are they diserning.... if it is not fun or nice to them well then off they go. And fair enough because when you have a very, very short attention span well then you might as well pick things to do that really grab you. :)

I also get to spend time with other children. These children range from 5 to 12 and they are not my own. They come to art classes. Each week they arrive with a real joy and desire to come and learn. Even when they feel tired , a good bit of drawing usually helps to sooth the weary soul. These children, each speak to my heart on a totally different level to the little ones. These children bring questions and answers ; they bring fun perseptions about life ; they bring their hearts - their likes and dislikes. They too are diserning but on a different level. They take a little while to make sure that I am ok and then we are up and away. 

I have all sorts of children with a variety of interests and abilities. Some with special needs and some with few needs ( seemingly) to me each child is unique and gifted. Each is a gem - a treasure. I love teaching art because art is a good way for children to grow. With art, a child can begin to test and explore and do something new in a safe way. 

Each week I finish the week tired but very much alive. I am privaledged to have these little peopl in my life.

Last but not least, the art classes offer my own children a chance to enjoy art. They have been stretched by seeing others draw and each week ALL these children have grown from strength to strength. 

Art Rocks!! It really does. 

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