Thursday, November 29, 2012

Madiba Magic

We are going to have some Madiba fun in art tomorrow....... come back again and see the results.

Friday, November 23, 2012

This is 'me'

 The mirrors were all set up. Each child had one, small mirror. We talked and looked and talked.....about shape and position of the eyes and ears and ......
 Did you know the human head is an upside down egg shape.
 The eyes are found half way down the 'egg. 'The ears lie opposite the eyes.
nose ends more or less half way between the eyes and the chin and the mouth half way in  between the nose and the chin.

These drawings were done in pencil and ended in colour pencil. Just love them!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Dot

 Many art lessons are based or flow from the book - The Dot by Peter Reynolds. I decided to give it a bash with a young group of artists.
 I read the story which is such a delightful book and if you have not yet read it can I urge you to try get a copy and enjoy this delightful story.
 I was fairly prescriptive in this lesson and each child had to trace three circles onto card.  On one they could paint the outside; on another the inside and on another they could use any kind of pattern. One we cut out the center to make a circle "hole".

 Look at this world - dot. what fun!!  After all was done and the Dot was dry , we made them into mobiles hanging with cotton from a branch. Just lovely!!!

Abstract Art

This is a drawing made with oil pastels using large solid shapes that flow off the page . Warm and cold colours are grouped together.

 This little boy draw a delightful abstract art design and then set about filling in the shapes with warm and cold colours. it was hard work for him and he needed to figure out some new ways to spread the pastel so that all the white paper was filled in.

 The final product is outlined with balck. Beautiful!!
I loved this art project. it was full of talking about shape and colours and pictures that dont really look like anything.