Thursday, May 26, 2022

Robot Design

These are our amazing robot creations. We looked at pictures of robots and discussed what robots are and would work they could do to help people. 

Each child then drew their own robot idea.  From these drawings, the children set about building a 3D robot from different pieces of cardbaord - thick to thin. 

These are the beautiful and fun creations by the children. We spraypainted these afterwards. 


Surrealism - Wacky works

These are our Surrealist works. We began by looking at the movement of art known as Surrealism. We looked at what was real in works by well known artists, and what was strange or "dream like".

Each child begaan by selecting a landscape or back ground to build the work oto. We used magazine pages. I selected interesting landscapes or rooms or spaces that could form a backdrop. 

Each childthen added some items ; animals or people to their work to build up a surrealt artwork. 

 Once completed, they children were only then, introduced to the idea of drawing their work onto A 3 pieces of paper. We then set about painting the work with watercolour paint.  These are some of the works showing the layers of work we have completed. 

Drawing a game

This is a childhood drawing game. The idea is that each child begins by drawing any kind of head near the top of the page. Then each folds the head over with the neck peeping out. We pass the paper to the person next and then draw on any kind of body and arms. Fold it over and pass on-- draw the legs. Fold , pass and draw an environment.   These are our cray creatures. Delightful and wild. I then painted these friends all together in the two works above.