Thursday, May 19, 2016

What is art for?

This term has been a fleeting one and we are fast approaching the end. It has been a term of varied work using all sorts of media including wire.
We have also continued to learn and thing through the 7 elements of  art. 


Ask your children and they can tell you what they are and what they mean.

My son in grade 8 is taking art and in their exam the other day he was asked to talk about the elemnts of art and what they were. I was so excited because I thought , my art kids can answer that one!!

I was thinking through what we are actually doing here in this art class. 
It is not simply just a place to have fun and be "creative", although that is true.

It is not just a place to meet up and have fun, although that is also true.

It is a safe place where each child can and does explore art and things to do with art 
at their own , personal developmental stage and age despite the gifting they might have towards things arty.
It is a place where I try and draw out of each child that which they have lying dormant ( perhaps). The ability to observe and really look at objects, detail and indeed the world around them.

In the apple art lesson, the children have to really look and really see the colours on the apple and then recreate them in a measure. 

In the wire leaf work the children needed to really look at the shape of the leaf. Most children would draw a leaf as they thought it  was but here, after really noticing the curves and shape, they then truly saw the leaf.

In the pencil drawing of the wooden toys, the same was true. 

All art begins somewhere with a good, real look at something or someone.
We seem to be all so busy rushing through life and have forgotten the value of taking a careful and enjoyable look at the things around us. The shapes of flowers, the mountain light; the colours of buildings and the calming feelings of a garden.

In my art classes we begin to switch on to simply looking again!!

On my wall have had these few little ideas written up......

An Artist

* is someone who takes risks
* looks at things closely 
* finds beauty in everyday things
* never gives up
* creates just because

These are some of the principles and characteristics that I feel underline our art classes at Art@TheStudio.

The art we make is beautiful in the end because of the beauty in the process of making it!!

The process is the important part. It is here that we are learning and being stretched.
The artwork that YOU receive, as the parent, is only half of all that has occurred in art.


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