Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A theory of art - what and why I teach art

From time to time I write about What I am doing in these art classes for children and why.
This is one of those times. 

I know that everyone can learn to draw. I also know that most adults have  great and real  barriers to this idea and so think that they can not draw.

I know and work from this premise with my children who come to art class. I do not compare one child to another because each child, no matter their age or stage of art development, in on a journey. My classes create a safe space for children to explore and experiment with art ideas and materials. 

I create a lesson but actually we are not fixed to the idea. The children will be learning something about art while enjoying the process of art . The end products are always interesting and unique but, for me , it is the process the child has gone along that is essential for learning.

Here is an example. This child began drawing a woman's face from a photograph. He used a grid for the first time and he also set about using colour to paint her face in an abstract way. This was his initial attempt. After some thought he decided to use blues and greens and yellows for the face instead. I sat with him and helped him to see the light and dark shapes on her face. It was difficult and painful at times but he pressed on and in the end managed a delightful portrait. The process was full of so many learning hurdles , failures and in the end success.

Some of my children are only 5 years old. They dive into the lesson with great gusto. Sometimes I hear them say out loud, " this is too hard."  But, as they go on with encouragement , they experience success . 

I love teaching art and I love spending time with children.
These two things collide in art class where children can share ideas with one another and with me while drawing etc.

I Know that art is a very real opportunity for children to solve problems. In many ways, just like maths, art presents problems and one must find a successful solution for the idea to work well. 

Our mask project was sch a case in point.

This project was to create a mask with eyes to see out of that fitted the child's face. Many, many problems presented themselves, right from the very beginning.

How to make the mask 3D ? How to make the mask fit the face?
How to make the paper thick enough? How to cut eyes in the mask? when to do this?

In the end, we left the holes and we left the wearing of the masks and opted for a wall hanging kind of option. Much frustration but much learning .

These are drawings of an egg. These children are 7 years old and 9 years old. The initial idea of being able to draw an egg with the shading in the right places seems difficult but step by step we create these beautiful pencil drawings.

My art classes are a safe space for children who are Atypical. ADHD and high functioning Asperger's children enjoy art with me. 

Any child is welcome to try out this class and see if it is a space that might work for them.

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