Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Art at the Studio - Newsletter 2- 2024

Esther Mahlangu, South African artist, born in 1935 is the artist we focused on this term. Her work is a visual art flourishing and delight of the cultural patterns and desins of the Ndebele people on their homes. She is known around the world for her canvas versions of the walls she grew up with and still inhabits at the beautiful age of 88. 

We began with looking at pattern and the ways we can create pattern using the elements of art. There are 7 elements of art which are very much like the ingredients of a recipe. 

shape - Flat
value - shading in tones
form - 3 D

We began by creating patterns of interest and then recreating pattern onto our boards

The idea to build ontop of our pattern boards, creating 3D structures using line made out of paper helped us to think about art in a differnt way on on different levels. 

Homeschool art groups offer a creative and artists space to explore and create and share time with friends. This beautiful , board, pattern project flowed naturally into learning something of Ester Mahlangu and Ndebeble artworks. These are the patterns created by children and include these bold and contrasting frames. 

What do we do with colourful paper we have created? 

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